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Showing posts with label Workshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Workshop. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2024

Workshop Conducted on Cloud Computing by the AWS Cloud Club, Department of Computer Science, AWKUM


The AWS Cloud Club, Department of Computer Science, AWKUM, conducted a comprehensive workshop on Cloud Computing on April 26, 2024. The session aimed to equip students with valuable insights into the latest technologies and trends in Cloud Computing.

Under the guidance of Dr. Aamir Akbar, an esteemed computer scientist and Director of AWKUM AI & Robotics Lab, the workshop explored essential topics such as Simple Storage Services, IAM Principles, and Virtual Private Cloud. Dr. Akbar's expertise illuminated these concepts, providing attendees with a thorough understanding of Cloud Computing's fundamental principles and applications.

The event was meticulously organized by Ms. Rukhsar, a proactive BS student at the Department of Computer Science, AWKUM, and a Google Scholar. Her dedication ensured the smooth execution of the session, fostering an environment conducive to learning and engagement.

Dr. Nadeem Iqbal, Chairperson of the Department of Computer Science, AWKUM, graced the event with his presence as it drew to a close. He distributed shields among the guests and the trainer, while Dr. Amir Akbar distributed gifts among the attendees, symbolizing their commitment to academic and professional growth.

The workshop concluded on a high note, leaving participants inspired and empowered to explore the limitless opportunities offered by Cloud Computing.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Two-day workshop on "How to Develop an Effective Business Plan."


In a strategic collaboration, the Career Services Center and Business Incubation Center at IBL joined forces to host a two-day workshop on "How to Develop an Effective Business Plan." The event, graced by Dr. Muhammad Jehangir, Director IBL as the chief guest, concluded with his congratulatory remarks and the distribution of certificates to the participants.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Workshop series on "Pedagogical Skills, Curriculum Tuning and Research skills development”


The workshop series on "Pedagogical Skills, Curriculum Tuning and Research skills development” was organized under the US-PAK Universities Grants Program Funded by United States Government & Administered by United States Educational Foundation Pakistan (USEFP) from August 18,  to September 01, 2022 at the Conference Hall Garden Campus, and Economics Department of Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan. Faculty members from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business as well as the postgraduate students have attended these workshops.

The aims of these workshops were to develop skills of the faculty and students of Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan on those themes. Dr. Muhammad Jehangir (Project Lead) welcomed the participants and presented the importance of the project. He further thanked US Government and USEFP for providing these amazing learning opportunities and to enhance the capacity building of our faculty and Students. Ms Irum Khan PhD. (GM Academics, Roots International Islamabad) conducted the workshop through a detailed presentation on case based teaching methods. This project also collaborates with the faculty members from local universities (Bacha khan University Charsadda, Buner University, Mardan Women University, Swabi Women University, Swabi University and Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (AWKUM) on pedagogy skills, curriculum development and tuning, research development and networking. AWKUM is a leading University in the project. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

QEC organized a one day workshop on "How to write a research proposal/thesis"


The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (AWKUM) organized a one day workshop on "How to write a research proposal/thesis" on November 09, 2020 in the Conference hall Garden Campus for the Faculty of Social Sciences, Business & Economics and Arts & Humanities.

The nominated faculty members participated in the workshop.  Director QEC AWKUM formally welcomed and briefed the participants regarding objectives of the workshop.

Dr. Mohammad Azam of Department of Economics delivered detailed and comprehensive presentations on research proposal writing and also briefed the audience on how to publish article in good referred journals. 

Addressing at the concluding ceremony, Director Academics Prof. Dr. Saeed Islam strongly advised faculty members to bring quality in the research and publications. He shared the great news with faculty members that AWKUM has been ranked 200th in Times Higher Education based on citations. Prof. Dr. Zahid Marwat (Dean Faculty of Social Sciences) also addressed the session and advised QEC to arrange the same workshops for postgraduate scholars as well.

At the end, certificates were distributed among the participants.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

One Day Hands on Training Workshop on “Role of Biosafety and Biosecurity in Life Sciences Research”

College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry in collaboration with Pakistan Biological Safety Association (PBSA) and ORIC, AWKUM is going to organize One Day Hands on Training Workshop on “Role of Biosafety and Biosecurity in Life Sciences Research” at Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan. The objectives of the workshop are to develop skills and awareness about biosafety, biosecurity and biowaste managment among students, researchers and early career scientists.

Limited seats are available that will be filled on a first come first serve basis. "Click To Registration Form"
Organizing Committee
Dr. Abdul Sajid
Dr. Tahir Usman
Dr. Irfan Khattak
 Contact no. 0313-0920177

Monday, October 21, 2019

Training Workshop on "Road Safety" Conducted at UCW

A training workshop on "Road Safety" was conducted on October 15, 2019 at UCW (University College For Women) by the college administration in collaboration with National Highway & Motorway Police (NHMP). Mr. Islam Danish, Senior Patrolling Officer enlightened the students and staff of UCW on the importance and strategies of Road Safety. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

Journalism Students Equipped as Peace Advocates; 3-Day Training Workshop Concludes In Islamabad

The 3-Day Professional Training Workshop for 31 of journalism studies Students from Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan and other universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan and Islamabad concluded.

The workshop was organized by Pakistan Peace Collective (PPC), a research & communication project of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (M/O, I&B). It may be recalled that project works on the peace-building campaigns to counter the trends of violent extremism in Pakistan and simultaneously organised training workshops on capacity building of media students for developing creative media content.

Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting, attended the concluding session of the training workshop. While addressing the participants, she emphasized upon the need for peace and harmony in society to achieve a higher benchmark of progress and development. She advised the participants to strive for achieving the higher objectives of life and play their due role in this regard, when they enter into practical life. She later distributed certificates among the participants of the workshop.

Mian Shabbir Anwer, CEO PPC, while welcoming the chief guest lauded her keen interest in various activities of the project (PPC). He also appreciated the support extended by the faculties of the universities in selection and nomination of students for the said training. He expressed confidence that the participants would utilize the lessons learnt during the training workshop and contribute towards the peace building efforts as responsible communicators particularly while covering issues of violent extremism.

The training workshop unwrapped two days earlier with a session on the Narratives, Impact & Critical Analysis of Violent Extremism in Pakistan, delivered by Mr. Khursheed Nadeem, a religious scholar. For the session based on Paigham e Pakistan, Dr Aftab Ahmed Sangra delivered his views. Dr Aftab is Head of Department, Comparative Studies of World Religions and Secretary, Council of Islamic Research Institute.\

Paigham e Pakistan, he said, is a social contract validated by all the political parties as well as ulema and masha’ikh of all schools of thoughts. Students were also given a chance to interact with the resilient and brave citizen of Pakistan; Mr. Inayat Ullah Khan Incharge Bomb Disposal Unit D.I. Khan KPK Police; he narrated his own real time experiences in combating terrorist activities in Pakistan.

Other sessions of training workshop included Media’s role in Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), the social and psychological impact of Conflict Reporting in Pakistan as well as Critical Thinking: while Communicating on Conflict in Pakistan. The training ended with course modules of Video Production Techniques included research scripting, interview and camera techniques, grammar of sound, lightning and editing. In the practical exercises, participants also produced media products through smartphones based on the training themes.

Kamran Butt from National College of Arts Lahore, Tahir Imran Mian from BBC, Usman Zafar and Faizan Gul from PPC also delivered their respective lectures during the training. The participants attending the training workshop belonged to various universities from provinces of KPK, GB and federal capital.

The cities from where from students participated included Dera Ismail Khan, Mardan, Malakand, Peshawar, Hazara, Gilgit and Islamabad. Pakistan Peace Collective will soon be organizing similar one-cluster training workshop next week for media students from ten (10) more universities of Sindh and Baluchistan provinces of Pakistan.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

3rd National Harmony Workshop 2019

A delegation from Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, led by Mr. Azmat Ali Khan (Assistant Professor, also entitled by NDU as Ambassador of AWKUM), Department of Political Science, along with students Miss Sireen (M.A. Psychology), Mr. Faizan (BS International Relations), attended a week long workshop entitled, “3rd National Harmony Workshop, (18-22 March, 2019), arranged by National Defence University (NDU) Islamabad. Delegations from all over Pakistani Universities attended the workshop. The sole purpose of workshop was to highlight that Pakistan is a multi-ethnic society, alienated geographically among separate regions, with different cultures, languages, and socio-economic structures like many other countries around the globe. Since many years, Pakistan is going through serious internal and external security challenges. It is realized that lack of national unity and integration among the federating units is one of the major weaknesses that has accentuated these challenges. Pakistan needs a national platform to bring her divergent linguistic and geographic groups together for some common national goals.

Since there was no such mechanism where the universities could be engaged in such an exercise, NDU realized its national responsibility and launched a project “MANZIL E MURAD” in 2015, which proved a success in achieving its goal. 2nd workshop was organized in 2017. In continuation to this national project, dedicated and continued effort is pre-requisite to build the required degree of cohesion and common understanding among the people of all the federating units. Universities and institutions being the think tanks can play an important role in facilitating national harmony and integration.

Objectives of the workshop included; to enhance national harmony and integration, generate a sense of ownership among the academic community of all federating units regarding national issues, to improve national pride and awareness among university students and academia on security environment and role of Pakistan Armed Forces towards stability and peace in Pakistan, and to share common understanding regarding the possible solutions to existing problems in Pakistan. The cleavages along the lines of traditional attachments are fundamental to any plural societies as in Pakistan. Expert speakers from the federal government and military experts talked on the said issues and national security responding to multiple questions asked by the participants.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Two Days Workshop on “Analysis For Academic Research”

The Department of Sociology organized a two days workshop on “Analysis for Academic Research” in collaboration with Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORICs) Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (AWKUM) at Main Campus. The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Ahmad Ali (Assistant Professor) and Dr. Hussain Ali (Lecturer) Department of Sociology, AWKUM. The workshop was delivered by Dr. Qaiser Khalid Mahmood (Resource Person)/Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI). In the workshop PHD, MPHIL, BS 7th and MA 3rd students participated. Dr. Syed Rashid Ali Chairperson Department of Sociology welcomed the resource person, Director ORIC and all the student participants. In workshop the facilitators conducted a pre-test about the basic content of the workshop to test the conceptual understanding of the participants. The workshop mainly covered the SPSS installation, Data coding, Data re-coding, data cleaning, data transformation, inferential analysis (parametric), inferential analysis (non-parametric), regression and factor analysis. At the end post-test was conducted.
In his closing remarks Dr. Syed Rashid Ali Chairperson of this department shared that the workshop was very informative and useful for the students and even for faculty participated in the event. He stated that a series of training will be planned on subject theme to become more specialized in academic research data analysis.  At the end certificate distribution ceremony was held and certificates were distributed among the participants, organizers and a shield was presented to resource person.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

One Day Workshop On Refugees Laws In Pakistan Arranged By Department of Law In Collaboration With UNHCR At AWKUM

On 11 December 2018 one day workshop on Refugees Laws, International Human Rights Law & Status of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan was arranged by Department of Law, AWKUM in collaboration with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The workshop started at 0930 hrs with the recitation of the Holy Quran. After that  Prof. Dr. Zahid Ali Marwat, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, AWKUM during his opening speech, welcomed the participants, guest speakers and said that it is important for the Law students to involve their self in co-curricular activities. The Chairperson of the Department of Law Mr. Ashraf Ali, Associate Professor shed light on the importance of Refugees Laws especially in Pakistan as around 3 million Afghan Refugees are living in Pakistan. The guest speakers Mr. Sahibzada Muhammad Younis & Mr. Muzaffar Khan discussed the Fundamental Human Rights, UN Charter of Human Rights & Refugees Convention 1951, while a separate session was arranged for question and answers. The students participated during whole session. The workshop ended with vote of thanks by Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences on the behalf of Honorable Vice-Chancellor, AWKUM. While the UNHCR delegates express his valuable views about the warm welcome by the University and providing security and refreshment. In the last certificates were distributed among the faculty members and students.  

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Newspaper Cutting Regarding "One Day Training Workshop on Cyber Crime"

Curriculum Orientation Workshop on “Economics”

Dr. Saleem Khan (Assistant Professor) and Dr. Raheel Anjum (Lecturer) of the Department Economics have been attended 3-Day Curriculum Orientation Workshop on “Economics”. The workshop was organized by Higher Education Commission and held at learning innovation Division, HEC, Islamabad on December 04-06, 2018.