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Monday, October 7, 2019

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Irshadullah Give a Presentation at Tambo International Johannesburg

Open Defense of PhD Scholar Mr. Syed Saeed, Department of Education

Open Defense of PhD Scholar Mr. Mumtaz Khan, Department of Islamic Studies

Dr. Mian Ahmad Jan, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Published Three Impact Factor Research Papers

  1.      Title: PAAL: A Framework based on Authentication, Aggregation and Local Differential Privacy   for Internet of Multimedia Things
  Journal: IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  Impact Factor: 9.515
  Core Ranking: A* (Acceptance Ratio: 7% or below)

  2.      Title:  A Survey on Big Multimedia Data Processing and Management in Smart Cities
  Journal: ACM Computing Surveys
  Impact Factor: 6.131
  Core Ranking: A* (Acceptance Ratio: 7% or below) 

  3.      Title: Urban data management system: Towards Big Data analytics for Internet of Things based  smart urban environment using customized Hadoop
  Journal: Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems
  Impact factor: 5.768
  Core Ranking: A (Acceptance Ratio: 16% or below)

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Dr. Saeed-ur-Rahman Attended Training Workshops

Dr. Saeed-ur-Rahman, Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies AWKUM has attended all the four training workshops required for IRI International Post Doctoral Fellowship (2018-19, 1st Batch) at Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University Islamabad.

Open Defense of PhD Scholar Ms. Saira Farman, Department of Biochemistry, AWKUM

Dr. Amir Zada Lecturer in Chemistry has Published an Article

Dr. Amir Zada Lecturer in Chemistry has published an article titled “Boosting the visible-light photoactivities of BiVO4 nanoplates by doping Eu and coupling CeOx nanoparticles for CO2 reduction and organic oxidation” in Sustainable Energy & Fuels with Impact factor of 4.912.

Dr. Farzana Gul Jan of Botany and Her Student, Published a Research Paper

Dr. Farzana Gul Jan, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hamayun and Dr. Gul Jan and their student Faiza Khushdil (M.Phil) Department of Botany published a research paper with Title: “Salt stress alleviation in Pennisetum glaucum through secondary metabolites modulation by Aspergillus terreus L.” Impact factor: 3.404

Dr. Muhammad Tahir and PhD Scholar Fida Muhammad of the Department of Physics Published a Research Paper

Dr. Muhammad Tahir and his PhD student Fida Muhammad of the Department of Physics has published a research paper in Journal of Electronic Materials titled "Enhancement in the Microelectronic Properties of a PFB–CdSe Quantum Dots Nanocomposite Based Schottky Barrier Diode". The impact factor of the journal is 1.676.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019