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Showing posts with label Department of Agriculture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Department of Agriculture. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

AWKUM's Agriculture Programs Earn Prestigious NAEAC Accreditation, Strengthening Academic Excellence in Agricultural Sciences


Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (AWKUM) is proud to announce a significant milestone in its academic journey, as its Agriculture programs have officially received accreditation from the National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council (NAEAC) Pakistan of the Higher Education Commission Pakistan (HEC). This recognition highlights AWKUM's unwavering commitment to academic excellence, research innovation, and the development of future leaders in Agricultural Sciences. The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) AWKUM organized certificates distribution ceremony in recognition of the accreditation status availed by Department of Agronomy (X2 Category), Entomology (X2 Category), Food Science & Technology (X3 Category) and Horticulture (X3 Category). 

The accreditation reflects the university's adherence to high academic standards, state-of-the-art facilities, and a curriculum designed to address contemporary challenges in Agriculture. The HoDs of these departments also shared the recommendations of the NAEAC for further strengthening of these programs which will lead to achieve the W category in the field of Agricultural Sciences. One of the strong recommendations of the accreditation team was to develop minimum infrastructure for training of students. The NAEAC recommended the establishment of 5 greenhouses, stores for seeds, inputs, machinery and drying area. The commission also recommended allocating a minimum of 1 kanal land per student research and suggesting allocation of at least 25 acres (200 kanals) to the constituents departments for development of farm and allied infrastructure.

Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Zahir Shah praised the faculty and students of Department of Agronomy, Entomology, Food Science & Technology and Horticulture for their dedication, emphasizing the university's ongoing efforts to improve educational quality across all disciplines.

In the end the Honorable Vice Chancellor distributed certificates among HoDs of Department of Agronomy, Entomology, Food Science &Technology and Horticulture.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Accreditation Inspection Committee of National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council visited AWKUM

 نیشنل ایگریکلچر ایجوکیشن ایکرڈیٹیشن کونسل کی ایکرڈیٹیشن انسپکشن کمیٹی نے عبدالولی خان یونیورسٹی کا دورہ کیا۔دورے کا مقصدفیکلٹی آف ایگریکلچر کے مختلف ڈیپارٹمنٹس کی ایکرڈیٹیشن اور معاملات کا تفصیلی جائزہ لینا تھا۔ انسپکشن ٹیم نے اس حوالے سے مختلف شعبوں ڈیپارٹمنٹ آف اگرانومی،اینٹا مالوجی،فوڈسائنس اور ہارٹیکلچر کا معائنہ کیا۔ وائس چانسلر پروفیسر ڈاکٹر ظہورا لحق سے ان کے دفتر میں ملاقات کی اور مختلف امور زیر بحث لائے گئے۔انسپکشن ٹیم کو کانفرنس روم میں باقاعدہ طور پر یونیورسٹی اور ڈیپارٹمنٹس کی تعلیمی، تحقیقی، تخلیقی و انتظامی شعبوں کے متعلق ڈاکٹر ظفر حیات، ڈاکٹرعادل حسین، ڈاکٹر امجد اقبال اور ڈاکٹر امتیاز نے بریفنگ دی۔ جس میں ایکرڈیٹیشن کونسل کے گذشتہ معائنے کے سلسلے میں مرتب کردہ سفارشات کی روشنی میں مختلف تجاویز کا جائزہ لیا گیا جس کا مقصد ایگریکلچر ڈیپارٹمنٹس میں بہتری اور اصلاحات لا کر اس شعبے کو ملک کا بہترین شعبہ بنانا ہے۔وائس چانسلر نے اس موقع پر کہا نے کہا کہ ملکی ترقی اور خود کفالت میں زراعت ریڑھ کی ہڈی کی حیثیت رکھتی ہے

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Newspaper Cutting Regarding "Two Days National Conference at Department of Agriculture"

Two days national conference started at AWKUM  today at Agriculture Department, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan. The conference is organized to highlight the importance of biochar and its role in life on earth surface. On this eve of world soil day  A National Conference is organized organized at Department of Agriculture, AWKUM in collaboration with international journal of Agricultural and Environmental Research, Office of research innovation and commercialization,  and Eurasion School An International Education System. The Conference is organized on the topic of “BIOCHAR FOR CLIMATE SAMRT AGRICULTURE”. Dr. Kawsar Ali of Agriculture Department AWKUM is the chief organizer of the event. DrKhan BahadarMarwat, Dr. Muhammad Arif and Dr. Muhammad Farooq Qayom were the key note speaker. Participants from all over the country participated in the conference. DrKHurshid Khan (Vice Chancellor AWKUM) was the chief guest of the opening session.  Faculty members, students and research officer from different institution participated in the Confrence. While addressing the participants, invited speaker Prof. Dr. Khan BahadarMarwat stated“ Healthy soils are fundamental to produce clean water, preserve biodiversity, and increase resilience to the impacts of climate change, especially for poor family farmers of developing countries. This is reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals, and was highlighted during the recent UN Climate Conference in Marrakech, COP 22. The cause of soils and their protection is high on the international agenda, and calls for collaborative and coordinated efforts”.
Chief guest of the Conference DrKHurshid Khan Said “Say “climate change” and see how most people react. I find it’s a bit like “sustainable development”: a phrase at which many people quietly glaze over and switch off. So here’s the first point: Don’t switch off. Climate change isn’t just words. It is a real Thing. And man-made climate change is a very scary real thing.The rise in global temperature over the last several decades is a matter of public record. There is an overwhelming scientific consensus that it can only be explained by one thing: the rise in greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activities”
Invited Speaker DrRiaz Said “ Some people say that climate change is natural and we shouldn’t worry. The answer to that is that we have indeed had naturally-occurring climate change since the Earth was formed. But none of the natural causes of climate variation, from the Sun’s output, the tilt of the Earth, volcanic activity or emissions from rotting vegetation, can account for the warming we observe today. There is only one thing that can: the emissions from fossil fuels caused by human activities over the last two hundred years. The concentrations of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere have increased by nearly 30% since the beginning of the industrial revolution.”
Moreover, Dr Zafar Hayat Khan, Chairman Agriculture Dpt AWKUM, added “In a modern world where the population is growing, cities are expanding, the climate is changing and more food is needed, we urgently need healthy soils to ensure the essential services they provide. Sustainable management systems and practices will unlock the full potential of soils to support food production, store and supply clean water, preserve biodiversity, sequester more carbon and increase resilience to a changing climate” He briefed the researchers and faculty members of other department about the research activities so for his department has conducted for sustainable soil management. He said “Though AWKUM is newly established institution, however, we have made all possible efforts to satisfy the need of farmers and community in a very short spin of time”.
Dr. Kawsar Ali, who was the chief organizer of the seminar and alsoEdiotr-ib-Chief of International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Research acknowledge the efforts of all faculty members of agriculture department and official partner of IJAER, The Eurasion school: International Education system. He praised the role of Eurasion School Director DrSabi Ur Rahman and declared him man of vision. While addressing the participants he said“Ladies and gentlemen, Agriculture Dpt AWKUM organized this event to discuss sustainable food systems and nutrition. One of the main conclusions is that healthy soils and healthy seeds are essential for producing healthy diets. And pulses play an important role in this equation, especially to improve the quality of soils. This is a symbiosis for life, which is the theme of our event today”.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Newspaper Cutting

World soil day was celebrated today at Agriculture Department, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan like many other parts of the world.  Internationally, world soil day is celebrated every year on 5th December to highlight the importance of soil and its role in life on earth surface. On this eve of world soil day  A National Seminar was organized at Department of Agriculture, AWKUM in collaboration with international journal of Agricultural and Environmental Research and Eurasion School An International Education System. The Seminar was organized on the topic of “Stop Soil Erosion, Save our Future”. Dr. Kawsar Ali of Agriculture Department AWKUM was the chief organizer of the event. DrYousaf Noor, research officer at Cereal Crop Research Institute Pirsabak, and Dr Zafar Hayat Khan, Chairman Agriculture Department AWKUM were among the speakers. Faculty members, students and research officer from different institution participated in the seminar. While addressing the participants, invited speaker DrYousaf Noor Said “ Healthy soils are fundamental to produce clean water, preserve biodiversity, and increase resilience to the impacts of climate change, especially for poor family farmers of developing countries. This is reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals, and was highlighted during the recent UN Climate Conference in Marrakech, COP 22. The cause of soils and their protection is high on the international agenda, and calls for collaborative and coordinated efforts”.
Moreover, Dr Zafar Hayat Khan, Chairman Agriculture Dpt AWKUM, added “In a modern world where the population is growing, cities are expanding, the climate is changing and more food is needed, we urgently need healthy soils to ensure the essential services they provide. Sustainable management systems and practices will unlock the full potential of soils to support food production, store and supply clean water, preserve biodiversity, sequester more carbon and increase resilience to a changing climate” He briefed the researchers and faculty members of other department about the research activities so for his department has conducted for sustainable soil management. He said “Though AWKUM is newly established institution, however, we have made all possible efforts to satisfy the need of farmers and community in a very short spin of time”.
Dr. Kawsar Ali, who was the chief organizer of the seminar and alsoEdiotr-ib-Chief of International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Research acknowledge the efforts of all faculty members of agriculture department and official partner of IJAER, The Eurasion school: International Education system. He praised the role of Eurasion School Director DrSabi Ur Rahman and declared him man of vision. While addressing the participants he said“Ladies and gentlemen, Agriculture Dpt AWKUM organized this event to discuss sustainable food systems and nutrition. One of the main conclusions is that healthy soils and healthy seeds are essential for producing healthy diets. And pulses play an important role in this equation, especially to improve the quality of soils. This is a symbiosis for life, which is the theme of our event today”.


Monday, October 28, 2019

Newspaper Cutting Regarding "Department of Agriculture"

Department of Agriculture Organized one day international seminar on “Hybrid Wheat Production” at Garden Campus Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan. Dr. Kawsar Ali (Assistant Professor, Agriculture Dpt AWKUM) was the chief organizer of the event while Prof. DrZhong Sheng Quan from Beijnng Engineering Research System was the invited speaker of the event. Prof Dr Muhammad Arif and Prof. Dr Bashir Ahmad were invited from the Agriculture University Peshawar as National Speakers. Dr. Zafar Hayat Khan, Chairman Agriculture Department, addressed the participant and welcomed the guest in his welcome note speak. While Talking about the importance of Hybrid Wheat production Prof. Dr. Zhong Cheng Quan Said “Growing more food is the cry of the day. We have to adopt new technologies and techniques to fulfill food requirement of the ever growing population of the world. Without the introduction of hybrid wheat production system we cant ensure food security in the region. With the help of hybrid system we can not only save the land resources but also can significantly improve fertilizer and nutrients use efficiency”. He also highly acknowledged the advancement of AWKUM in the world of research. He declared AWKUM as one of the best and fast growing research oriented university in the country. Dr. Kawsar Ali said in his speech “We don’t have any other option except to adopt and go for applied research. The farmers and people of the society are looking to agriculture scientist as we are believed to be their last hope. It’s a do or die situation for us to fulfill the food demand of ever escalating population of the country with the help of best agriculture practices”. Professor Dr Muhammad Arif and Prof Dr Bashir Ahmad also addressed the session and praised the efforts of AWKUM as a whole and agriculture department specifically. Chairman Agriculture Department told the participant and Agriculture Department has organized number of events both at national and international level in this calendar year to address and highlight various national and international issues. Chief Guest and all speakers highly acknowledged the effort of organizing committee specially DrAdil Hussain and Dr Muhammad Ali who worked day and night to make the event possible. Chief guest in speech said “Its never easy to conduct international event in such environment when you are supposed to face so many security and administrative constraint at national levels, however ,DrAdil and Dr M. Ali along with faculty members of agriculture department made it possible in shortest possible time. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Dr. Asad Ali Associate Professor of Agriculture, Published a Paper

Dr. Asad Ali Associate Professor, Department  of Agriculture  Published a paper in SCI Journal "Frontiers in Microbiology" (IF= 4.25) titled "Characterization of a Bacterial Symbiont Asaia sp. in the White-Backed Planthopper, Sogatella furcifera, and Its Effects on Host Fitness"

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Dr. Kaleem Tariq and Dr. Asad Ali of Agriculture Department Published a Paper

Dr. Kaleem Tariq and Dr. Asad Ali of Agriculture Department Published a paper entitle * RNA interference-mediated knockdown of voltage-gated sodium channel (MpNav) gene causes mortality in peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae*

Monday, February 18, 2019

Dr. Farman Ali, Associate, Professor of Agriculture, Published a Research Article

Dr. Farman Ali, Associate Professor of Agriculture published a research article titled "Genome-wide analysis of developmental stage-specific transcriptome in Bradysia odoriphaga" in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-D: Genomics and Proteomics (Impact factor 2.9)

Friday, December 7, 2018

One Day Seminar Regarding Halal Food and Certification

A one day seminar regarding Halal Food and Certification was held on 5/12/2018 at the conference hall of HPE. The seminar was organized by ORIC with the cooperation of Department of Agriculture and Department of Botany.  Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hamayun, Dr. Hazir Rehman, Prof. Dr. Waheed Murad, Dr. Amjad Iqbal, Dr. Ziaullah Khan, Dr. Farooq Shah, Dr. Adil Hussain, Dr. Muhammad Ali, Dr. Muhammad Imtiaz, Dr. Said Hussain, Dr. Fazal Said, Dr. Fazal Jalal and a large number of students has attended the seminar. The seminar delivered by Mr. Khalid from Halal Food Certification was well received by the experts in the field and students. At the end of the seminar the Halal Food Certification, agreed to sign MOU with AWKUM and to train students from the Department of Microbiology and Department of Agriculture (Specialization Food Science and Technology).

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

BER HONEY (Ziziphus Jujuba) Available at Department of Agriculture For Sale

Dr. Farooq Shah, Dr. Zafar Hayat Khan and Dr. Amjad Iqbal, Department of Agriculture, Published a Book.

Dr. Farooq Shah, Dr. Zafar Hayat Khan and Dr. Amjad Iqbal, Department of Agriculture, has edited a book titled "Rice Crop: Current Developments" bearing ISBN-978-1-78923-601-9 by IntechOpen, London, United Kingdom.

Book Language:        English

Blurb/Shorttext:        Rice is a staple crop in many coastal and non-coastal areas of the globe and requires a large production area. With the increasing trends in population, it is pivotal to increase the production of this important crop for sustainability. The introduction of high-yielding rice cultivars through molecular breeding is one of the possibilities that can ensure sustainability. Additionally, development of new biotic and abiotic stress-resistant cultivars with higher nutritional value can revolutionize the rice industry.
The book can be accessed and downloaded from the following link;