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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Notification About Arts and Culture Scholarship 2020

Open Defense of PhD Scholar Mr. Nawab Ali, Department of Zoology and Syed Muhammad Aamir, Department of Education

Dr. Muhammad Tahir of The Department of Physics, Published a Research Paper

Dr. Muhammad Tahir of the Department of Physics has published a research paper in Optical Materials titled "Amplified spontaneous emission and optical gain characteristics of sexithiophene single crystals". The impact factor of the journal is 2.687.

Dr. Hazir Rahman, Associate Professor of Microbiology, Published a Research Article

Dr. Hazir Rahman, Chairman/Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology has published  one research article in  Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (IF 2.5). Title: “Molecular epidemiology of Shigella flexneri isolated from pediatrics in a diarrhea-endemic area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan”

Dr. Hazir Rahman, Associate Professor of Microbiology, Published a Research Article

Dr. Hazir Rahman, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology has published a research article in Biotechnology Letters (IF 2.1) Title “Nanozymes for medical biotechnology and its potential applications in biosensing and nanotherapeutics”.

Friday, January 24, 2020

IBL Exam Date Sheet and Notification for Semester Fall 2019

Tender Notice For Restaurant / Shops / Cabins

Tender Notice "Purchase/Supply of Lab Equipments"

Tender / Retender Notice "Purchase/Supply of Lab Equipment, Chemicals"

Open Defense Mr. Jehan Zeb and Mr. Waqas Ahmad Shamas, Department of Zoology

Dr. Izaz Ur Rahman, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Published 3 Research Papers

Dr. Izaz Ur Rahman, Assistant Professor and in Computer Science, published 3 research papers of total Impact Factor 16.7
1.    An energy, performance efficient resource consolidation scheme for heterogeneous cloud datacenters

2.      A Heuristic Approach for Finding Similarity Indexes of Multivariate Data Sets

3.      An N-State Markovian Jumping Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

Notification About NTS Test (MS / MPhil / LLM & PhD) For Spring 2020