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Friday, February 7, 2025
Thursday, March 7, 2024
گرین یوتھ مومنٹ کلب عبد الولی خان یونیورسٹی مردان نے جامعہ میں جنگلی حیات کا عالمی دن منایا
گرین یوتھ مومنٹ کلب عبد الولی خان یونیورسٹی مردان نے جامعہ میں جنگلی حیات کا عالمی دن منایا۔ اس موقع پر شعبہ ماحولیات میں ایک روزہ سیمینار، ادبی مقابلہ جات اور آگاہی واک کا بھی انعقاد کیا گیا جس میں جامعہ کے مختلف شعبہ جات کے طلبہ نے حصہ لیا۔ اس دن کو منانے کا مقصد جنگلی حیات کی نسل و افزائش، اس کے ماحولیات پر اثرات اور جنگلی حیات کے تحفظ کے بارے میں شعور اجاگر کرنا تھا۔ طلبہ وطالبات نے کثیر تعداد میں تحریری اور تقریری مقابلہ جات میں حصہ لیکر ماحولیاتی تبدیلی اور تحفظ پر اپنے خیالات پیش کئے۔
تقریب سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے ڈاکٹر شمس علی بیگ چترالی کا کہنا تھا کہ چترال کے پہاڑوں میں جنگلی حیات کی نایاب نسل موجود ہے جن میں قومی جانور مارخور، قومی پھول چنبیلی، قومی پرندہ چکور اور قومی درخت دیار پائے جاتے ہیں۔ ان کا کہنا تھا کہ جنگلی حیات کے تحفظ سے پاکستان کو نہ صرف ماحولیاتی فوائد بلکہ معاشی فوائد بھی حاصل ہورہے ہیں، جنکی زندہ مثال سالانہ ٹرافی ہنٹنگ اور وائلڈ لائف سائٹنگ کیلئے آنے والے سیاح ہیں۔ تقریب سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے مہمان خصوصی پروفیسر ڈاکٹر دلاور فرحان شمس نے طلباء کو اس بات کی ترغیب دی کہ وہ جنگلی حیات کے تحفظ کے لیے معاشرے میں شعور بیدار کریں اور لوگوں کو اس بات کا احساس دلائیں کہ وہ جانوروں کے غیر ضروری شکار سے پرہیز کریں، فصلوں میں کھادوں اور کیڑے مار ادویات کے استعمال کو کم کریں اور پانی کے ذخائر کا تحفظ کریں۔ انہوں نے ملک میں وسیع پیمانے پر شجر کاری اور جنگلات کے تحفظ کی اہمیت پر بھی زور دیا تاکہ خطرے سے دوچار جانوروں، پودوں اور کیڑوں کو بچایا جا سکے۔ فوکل پرسن گرین یوتھ مومنٹ حیدر علی جاوید نے پوزیشن لینے والے طلبہ کو مبارکباد دی اور ماحول کے تحفظ کیلئے کئے جانے والی کوششوں کو سراہا۔
تحریری اور تقریری مقابلہ جات میں پوزیشن لینے والے طلباء وطالبات کو انعامات سے نوازا گیا جن کی تفصیل درج ذیل ہے
پوزیشن ہولڈرز اردو تقریری مقابلہ
پہلی پوزیشن: عائشہ، زوالوجی ڈیپارٹمنٹ
دوسری پوزیشن: شریح قاضی، انگلش ڈیپارٹمنٹ
تیسری پوزیشن: صادقہ، انوائرمنٹل سائنسز
انگلش تقریری مقابلہ:
پہلی پوزیشن: لائبہ شاہ، کمسٹری ڈیپارٹمنٹ
دوسری پوزیشن: ہانی عالم، انوائرمنٹل سائینسز
تیسری پوزیشن: وقاص، انگلش
اور شرکاء میں اسناد تقسیم کیے گئے۔ اس تقریب کے آخر میں آگاہی واک کا بھی انعقاد کیا گیا۔
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Department of Environmental Sciences’ Research Students Received “National Climate Action Award”
Research Students of the Department of Environmental
Sciences (AWKUM), Ms. Farzeen Sajid, Mr. Luqman Hakeem, Mr. Adil Khan received
National Climate Action Award for their contributions in promoting
environment-friendly biomass briquettes making from agro-wastes in nomadic
communities living in Mardan. The idea is the outcomes of the research works
carried out under the supervision of Dr. Shams Ali Baig, Associate Professor at
the Department of Environmental Science, AWKUM.
The research team had conducted a month-long awareness campaign and
demonstration sessions during November-December 2022 in the targeted
communities with the support of Pakistan Red Cresent Society (PRSC).
The research team received the National Climate Action
Award from UNDP Pakistan and SDGs Academy Islamabad, Pakistan, in the ceremony
“National Youth Policy Dialogue on Climate Change” help on September 13, 2023,
at Marriot Hotel Islamabad. His Excellency Mr. Hamad Obaid Ibrahim Salem
AlZaabi (Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to Pakistan) and Mr.
Khalil (Federal Minister for Human Rights and Women Empowerment) and the
Chairman of SDGs Academy Pakistan were the guests of honor in the ceremony.
The Department of Environmental Sciences, AWKUM congratulates
the research team for their incredible accomplishments.
Keep shining and inspiring others with your brilliant
community services!
Friday, September 1, 2023
Friday, March 24, 2023
World Water Day 2023 Celebrated at The Department of Environmental Sciences, AWKUM
of Environmental Sciences, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan with the financial
support from WaterAid Pakistan organized one day seminar after concluding a
week-long awareness campaign in Schools and Colleges in District Mardan to
commemorate and contribute the global movement for accelerating change to
achieve SDG 6 – clean water and sanitation for all. This was a part of the series of events organized by WaterAid Pakistan
across the country to celebrate and contribute toward the global observance to raise
awareness about the importance of fresh water and issues around poor WASH
services. Participants from academia, civil society
organizations, NGOs, water and sanitation service providers, practitioners and
government line department officials attended the event.
Dilawar Farhan Shams, Chairman Department of the Environmental Sciences, AWKUM
welcomed the participants and discuss the aims and objectives of the seminar.
It was revealed that globally over 3.6 billion people, almost half of the world population, do not have
access to safely managed sanitation at their home. Similarly, in
Pakistan 4.5 million population don’t have access to drinking water along with 141
million to safe drinking water and 70 million people have limited access to
sanitation facilities. Dr. Shams Ali Baig delivered a keynote talk on the theme of
accelerating change to achieve the SDG targets. He highlighted the reason of
the off track in achieving SDG 6 and linked with the climate change induced
disasters. The importance of adequate WASH services in adhering good hygiene
practices to improve the overall quality of life were briefly discussed by the
panelists including, Dr. Wali Ullah Khan, Department of Chemistry, Dr. Dilawar
Farhan Shams, Department of Environmental Sciences, and Mr. Rahat Ullah,
Customer Service Manager WSSCM Mardan in the panel discussion.
At the end, Dr. Muhammad
Idris, Director Administration, AWKUM in his closing remarks reiterated the
importance of clean drinking water and thanked WaterAid Pakistan for the
financial support and choosing AWKUM for this event. He also distributed
certificates of appreciation and shield among the participants and organizer.
The event ended with a walk within the campus to raise awareness on the World Water
Monday, March 20, 2023
A week-long awareness campaign on the eve of World Water Day 2023
of Environmental Sciences, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan with the financial
support from WaterAid Pakistan has started a week-long awareness campaign in
Schools and Colleges in District Mardan to commemorate and contribute the
global movement for accelerating changes to achieve SDG 6 – clean water and
sanitation for all. The awareness
campaign will continue till March 20, followed by a seminar on March 21, 2023. AWKUM
teams conducting comprehensive awareness sessions covering the role of students
in awareness raising around the theme; like, clean drinking water, adequate
sanitation facilities and hygienic behavior in approving the overall health and
hygiene conditions of the society. Overwhelmingly responses were received from
the students and they took keen interest to interlink the poor WASH services
with poor health and adequate WASH services with improved health and hygiene
conditions’ conceptual model. WaterAid Pakistan and the Department of
Environmental Sciences will continue to play their due roles in accelerating awareness
among different stakeholders to put on track the SDG 6: clean water and sanitation for all.
Friday, February 24, 2023
Friday, November 25, 2022
Department of Environmental Sciences, AWKUM and WaterAid Pakistan Organized One Day Seminar
A joint seminar and painting
competition was organized on the 24th of November 2022 at the Department
of Environmental Sciences, AWKUM with the support of WaterAid Pakistan to commemorate
the World Toilet Day 2022. This was a part of the series of events organized by
WaterAid Pakistan across the country to celebrate and contribute
toward the global observance to raise awareness about the impacts of sanitation
on groundwater. The aim is to make the invisible visible and promote making groundwater protection a reality. Participants from
academia, civil society organizations, NGOs, water and sanitation service providers,
practitioners and government line department officials attended the event.
Dr. Dilawar Farhan Shams, Chairman Department of the Environmental
Sciences, AWKUM welcomed the participants and delivered a talk on the domestic wastewater
treatment. Engr. Pervaiz Nasir from Water Aid Pakistan briefly discussed the aims
and objectives of the event, and WaterAid interventions in Pakistan. During the
session, both national and international researchers and academicians presented
their research findings that broadly covered the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
(WASH) thematic areas. It was revealed that over 3.6 billion people, almost half of the world population,
do not have access to safely managed sanitation at their home. Similarly, in
Pakistan about 30% of the population live in poor sanitation condition, 75% of toilets
are not linked with septic tank, and 19% defecate in the open.
of proper drainage system, poor hygiene and inappropriate latrines contribute to
raising water borne diseases. The researchers explicitly linked WASH related disease
transmission routes in their presentations. Dr. Cheng, a researcher from the Center
of Environmental Sanitation in the Beijing University of Science and Technology
China, joined remotely and gave a brief lecture on the non-sewered sanitation
system as an alternative option to the conventional sewer sanitation system. Dr.
Shams Ali Baig of AWKUM presented his research on the prevalence of sanitation-related
pathogens in drinking water distribution systems in Mardan and highlighted that
it is one of the alarming issues in present drinking water distribution networks.
Mr. Muhammad Ishaq, Solid Waste Management Manager of Water Supply and
Sanitation Services Mardan (WSSCM) delivered a talk on the provision of water
and sanitation services in urban Mardan.
In parallel, about 16
Pakhtunkhwa College of Arts (PCA) AWKUM students participated in watercolor painting
competition. The objective was to develop and highlight the links of WASH and
environmental pollution issues with human health. Keynote speakers and the painting
competition students sensitized the audience well on how an adequate sanitation system can improve public health and has long
lasting beneficial impacts on social and economic development
by timely achieving the SDG goal 6, Clean Water and Sanitation.
the end, Prof. Dr. Sultan Ayaz, Pro-vice Chancellor AWKUM in his closing remarks
reiterated the importance of toilets in social life and thanked WaterAid
Pakistan for the financial support and choosing AWKUM for this event. The Pro-vice
Chancellor also distributed certificates of appreciation and shield among the painting
competition position holders and the keynote speakers. The event ended with a
walk within the campus to raise awareness on the World Toilet Day.
Friday, September 3, 2021
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
ICIMOD to grant HUC membership to AWKUM
e-meeting was held between the delegates of the International Centre for
Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan
(AWKUM) to discuss Himalayan University Consortium (HUC) membership for AWKUM
and collaboration in various other areas of common interest. The meeting was
led by Dr. Dilawar Farhan Shams, Chairperson, Department of Environmental
Sciences (AWKUM) who was accompanied by Dr. Zia Ullah, Chairperson, Department
of Tourism & Hospitality and Dr. Shams Ali Baig, Assistant Professor,
Department of Environmental Sciences. From ICIMOD, Dr. Chi Huyen Truong
(Programme Coordinator-HUC), Mr. Muhammad Ismail (ICIMOD Country
Representative, Pakistan) and Dr. Sher Muhammad (Remote Sensing Specialist)
joined the meeting. Dr. Truong explained in detail the purpose and activities
of HUC, the thematic working groups, and the benefits HUC has for the
participating universities. Dr. Shams Ali Baig presented an overview of AWKUM
and its potential to contribute to mountain and climate change issues. Dr.
Dilawar Farhan and Dr. Zia Ullah thoroughly reflected on what AWKUM can offer,
the capacity and facilities the university has to effectively participate as an
HUC member, the coverage of thematic working groups in the existing curricula
of Environmental Sciences, Tourism and Hospitality, and other departments of
the University, and future plans to commence academic programs in these areas.
The ICIMOD showed keen interest to grant HUC membership to AWKUM and stressed
on initiating the collaborative work immediately while the membership process
is underway. Dr. Truong also extended ICIMOD’s strong support to AWKUM in
various other activities falling in their domain. It is worth mentioning that a
memorandum of understating between ICIMOD and AWKUM is already initiated and
will be concluded soon.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Dr. Javed Nawab Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences, Published a Research Paper
Friday, February 21, 2020
Dr. Javed Nawab Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences, Published a Paper
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Friday, January 17, 2020
Research Publications of Dr. Javed Nawab Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences
Friday, September 27, 2019
Climate week’s Event Celebrated at The Department of Environmental Sciences, AWKUM in Collaboration with Islamic Relief Pakistan
Student’s Name
Climate Art Competition from Home Category
Mr. Amir
Mr. Suad
College Mardan
Climate Art Competition on Campus Category
Ms. Sana
Department, AWKUM
Ms. Muska
Ms. Rida
Sciences Department, AWKUM