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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tender Notice "Electrical items and Repair and Maintenance of Generators"

(Quality Education at Door step)

Sealed bids are invited from well-established/reputed firms/suppliers registered with Sales tax, income tax in the relevant category for the below mentioned jobs.

      a)      Purchase/ Supply of Electrical items
      b)     Repair and maintenance of generators.

1.      The tender must reach Procurement office on or before December 18, 2018 at 10:00 AM and will be opened on the same day at 11:00 AM in the presence of the suppliers or their authorized representatives. Detail of the items and specification along with tender documents may be obtained from the Procurement office @ Rs.3000/-(Non saRefundable) in duty hours (08:00 AM to 04:00 PM).
2.      Earnest Money of the tender for each job will be Rs.1,00,000/-in the shape of draft in favour of Treasurer, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan.

Procurement Officer
Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan
Tel. No. 0937- 843368 – 843360